I know, I know, DVDs are kind of out in this day and age. Still, there are plenty out there that are worthwhile viewing. Here are just a few.
- Fat Head by Tom Naughton - Challenges conventional dietary wisdom by exposing Super Size Me as a load of bologna while losing weight on a fat-laden fast-food diet and demonstrating that nearly everything we've been told about healthy eating is wrong.
- Food, Inc. by Robert Kenner - Lifts the veil on the food industry, exposing how our food supply is now controlled by a handful of corporations that often put profit ahead of consumer health.
- In Search of the Perfect Human Diet by C.J. Hunt - This film offers an opportunity to see what our species needs for optimal health.
- King Corn by Ian Cheney and Curt Ellis - A fun and crusading journey into the digestive tract of our fast food nation. Hidden truths about America's modern food system are unlocked.
- PACE Express by Al Sears, MD – An excellent intermittent movement video designed for people of all levels of fitness. All sessions are only 20 minutes long and don’t require exercise equipment. A nice way to get movement in without having to go to the gym or worry about the weather outside.
- Super Size Me by Morgan Spurlock - Filmmaker Morgan Spurlock subjects himself to a McDonald's only diet for 30 consecutive days. Quite fascinating is how over the course of the month, Spurlock actually seems to become addicted to the fast-foods he consumes.
With most of us having smart phones now-a-days, Apps are used frequently for so many things in life. For our health and relaxation needs, I've collected just a few for your perusal.
From The Environmental Working Group:
- Food Scores – With a database of over 80,000 food products, the app provides food ratings including nutrition, ingredient concerns and processing, which guides consumers to healthy, affordable food
- Dirty Dozen – lower your pesticide intake by avoiding the most contaminated fruits/veggies
- Skin Deep – contains a database of 72,000 personal care products, 2,500 brands and 9,000 ingredients. Users can scan product barcodes or search goods by name to determine their safety
- Domestic Man by Russ Crandall – Healthy traditional & international cuisines posted every Tuesday. In short, yummy and clean recipes.
- Relax Sea - If you can't get to the ocean and luxuriate to its sounds, the very next best thing is to download this free App on your phone. What a wonderful way to chillax after a long day.
- Water & Gong - As with Relax Sea above, this App also offers sounds to mellow us out. Give it a try. Close your eyes, deep breathe, and enjoy healing serenity.