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Smile and say, "No-Cheese": Why Cheese is so Darn Addictive and Can Cause Mood Distress
I, for one, absolutely love cheese, and there are many of us cheese lovers out there! So, what exactly is it that has us going back for more and more of this sometimes, "stinky as feet", food?
Let’s Start at the Beginning
While information about lactose, (a form of sugar in dairy), and the many digestive problems it can cause is fairly well known, there is still not much mention regarding casein, (the dairy protein).
First and foremost, human beings are not intended to consume the nursing milk of calves, lambs, or kids. Calves especially grow into 1,200lb cows and their mother’s milk is what helps them get so large and heavy. Imagine what drinking and eating cow dairy with its lactose, casein and other elements can do to your body size?
Moreover, unless you eat cheese made from the milk of healthy free-range, pasture-raised animals, you will be ingesting anti-biotics, growth hormone, (yikes!), stress hormones, and puss! Puss results because the animals are being overly-milked by machines. The harshness and excessive usage of these machines cause the animals' teats to become sore and infected. Consequently, puss frequently mixes in with the milk we eat and drink.
Back to why we can't seem to stop eating cheese: Addiction Potential
Balanced Gut Bacteria = Improved Mood
There are many reasons you can feel down or uncomfortable. Pressures in your daily life can be wearing. Relationships with others, or lack thereof, also provide reasons for stress and sometimes, despair. If you’re “overweight”, you know very well the hostility that lies in the air from so many including shopkeepers, acquaintances, family, doctors, friends, strangers, etc. Their comments and suggestions regarding your body can frequently be insensitive and downright hurtful.
The above scenarios can easily be part of the cause of your hurt feelings, low self-esteem and overall depression. Depressive symptoms by the way aren’t exclusively related to feeling sad. On the contrary, people who are clinically depressed have a wide variety of symptoms. They can include: insomnia, no appetite, fatigue, difficulty with concentration, irritability, low mood, loss of interest in things that were once enjoyable, etc.
Depression can start out slowly and increase quietly. One way to self-medicate depressive symptoms is by eating foods containing carbohydrates – desserts, snacks, junk food and more. Of course, that will help you to feel better momentarily, but, after the binge, you will return to your low state of being and feeling. While it’s very important to seek out your physician’s advice and perhaps consider taking anti-depressants, I’d like to introduce an entirely new concept about what may be greatly influencing your moods
Drinking – The Good, The Bad, The Ugly: Options To Thrive By
When we consider getting in-shape and healthy, most of us focus on eating and exercising. While paying attention to what we eat, (single ingredient, pasture-raised, local, organic and wild food), and being involved in healthy, fun movement, (dancing, skiing, biking, running, walking in nature, yoga, bowling, tennis, rowing, kickball, gardening, etc.), are both important for great health and body reshaping, the buck doesn’t stop there.
Frequently, we forget to look at what we drink. I’m referring to both alcoholic as well as non-alcoholic beverages. So much of what we guzzle down is loaded with sugar, carbs and high, empty calories. (Empty calories, such as those in alcohol and sugar, offer no nutritional benefit and cause us to get fat.)
This article looks at certain alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages and their impact on us. My intention is to raise awareness of the sugar content in these beverages. Such knowledge will hopefully lead to a new drinking mindfulness as well as improved drinking options. My wish is for this information to support and assist in your quest for optimal health and body.
A love letter from your fat friend: It’s okay. You’re fat.
Dear Reader,
I've recently found this amazingly inspirational article written by "yrfatfriend". I was so impressed that I had to share it with you! The empowering and healing messages contained within are especially relevant around International Women's Day! (And, the loving content is equally applicable if you're a man.) We are all beautiful no matter our body size.
If you like what you read, then please check out the author further at or She's a true collective healer. A gem.
Radiating self-esteem, self-love, courage, strength, kindness and health,
Susan, aka The HealthShrink
New Weigh, New Year's Resolution!
It's holiday season. What most of us can realistically expect is that we're going to eat more than usual. It's just part of how we celebrate. And, we're going to gain weight. No shock.
Of course, many will make the all too familiar, "I'm going to diet" or "I'm going to join a gym", resolutions to start off the new year. Great intentions! My input though: if we really want to lose weight once and for all, let's stop doing the same old, same old and let's start doing something radically new. Now, that's a resolution that peaks my interest!
Honestly, I'm guessing most of us have done the low-calorie, tasteless, starvation diet thing and/or excessive exercise routine more than once. Sure, we can lose weight, but for how long? And at what cost? (97% of us who lose weight will gain it all back and more within 2 years.)
I propose that instead of looking exclusively outside of ourselves for weight loss answers, let's first look inside by asking and addressing the following questions. (Please take your time with these and answer as fully and with as much detail as you can.)
Overcoming Mindless, Addictive & Emotional Eating
There are many things in life that can throw us into a positive or negative emotional tizzy. Recently, for example, after witnessing a particularly lengthy and tough campaign battle, Americans voted and received the stunning outcome of the 2016 Presidential Election. The result, Donald Trump beating out Hillary Clinton with the Electoral College, left some folks ecstatic and others mortified.
While holding vastly differing views on how the country should be run, and who's the person to do this, the one thing Donald and Hillary supporters have in common recently is mindless eating. Fast foods, packaged foods, snacks, desserts, etc., all high in sugar, fat, and salt, are being swallowed whole. In fact, I continue to see photos of the "bad" foods people are about to eat posted on social media, i.e., goppy desserts, fried food, and more, while referencing something about the election results.
Unfortunately, this happens all too often for so many of us. We use/abuse food to celebrate highs, as well as to drown out our sorrows. It’s incredibly common for us to eat when we’re bored, anxious, sad, thrilled, happy, etc., etc. So, what exactly is going on? Why in the world do we reach for food even when we’re not hungry?
Sleeping Beauty: Natural and Innovative Techniques to Re-Gain a Great Night’s Sleep
When discussing lifestyle habits to gain and maintain optimal health, getting a good night sleep should be #1 on our list! In fact, without a consistent regimen of 7-9 hours of sleep nightly, recommended by the National Sleep Foundation,₁ we can absolutely count on becoming depleted in multiple areas of basic body and life functioning. And for those of us who are interested in re-shaping our bodies, please take note:
Medical research shows there is a stronger relationship between obesity and lack of sleep than any diet factor.₂
Decreased sleep impacts our ability to mentally concentrate, perform physically, and maintain mood stability. Moreover, according to Sarah Ballantyne, Ph.D. in Go to Bed, sleep deprivation may contribute to: (a) compromises to our immune system, (b) increases in cortisol, (the stress hormone, which can detrimentally impact many health issues including weight problems), (c) an increased risk for serious cardiovascular problems, and, (d) the onset of certain cancers. In fact, Dr. Ballantyne reports that, “research shows that deep sleep may be the most critical time for our bodies to repair.”₃
Even short-term changes in sleep patterns can (1) worsen insulin resistance, (insulin is known as the fat storage hormone), (2) dysregulate cortisol, and, (3) increase leptin resistance, (people with leptin resistance have frequent food cravings or feelings of hunger.)⁴
Do you have challenges with eating binges in the late eve? Every wonder why? You may want to consider how much sleep you’re getting or not. Sleep deprivation changes the amount of dopamine receptors in the brain, mimicking the neuropathology of someone with food addiction-type-behaviors, (think obesity or binge eating disorders.)₅
All this to say that sleep matters tremendously in achieving good health and body size. With regard to the 7-9 hours idyllic sleeping range, generally speaking we need more sleep in the winter than the summer. This goes hand-in-hand with fewer daylight hours in the winter than summer. And with earlier darkness, the body is inclined to wind down sooner.
Smoke Scream: My Journey From Nicotine Addiction to Liberation
My Smoking Story
As a young woman, between the ages of 18-26, I smoked approximately a pack of Marlboro cigarettes a day. At 58 years old now, I thank my lucky stars I was able to stop that awful habit I had for 8 years of my young life! People today tell me it’s hard for them to imagine that I was once a dedicated and hooked smoker. It also seems a bit strange to me now given my love for living a healthy lifestyle.
Let me state my bias upfront and clearly. I despise cigarettes and Big Tobacco. Smoking kills and hurts us! Damn the companies of the tobacco industry which turn us on to smoking through advertisement, and then feed our nicotine addiction. Feed, indeed. Cigarettes are deliberately loaded with as much nicotine as possible by these companies. And, why not? The more we smoke, the more addicted we become, and the more profits they earn and can count on making over the long haul. Thank you Phillip Morris, R.J. Reynolds, and Lorillard!
I remember very well at the age of 26, (at my mother’s urging and my own ambivalent desires to quit), when I finally decided I needed to stop smoking. I had reached a now-or-never point. Even though I had a very hard time imagining not smoking, I knew I didn’t want to smoke for the rest of my life. And, I felt if I didn’t quit soon, I may never do so.
Summer Inspiration
By Laura Beck, Cosmopolitan
Comments by Susan D'Addario, LCSW, Certified Eating Psychology Coach, Licensed HeartMath Certified Coach
So, the very first day of July starts us off with International Joke Day. Well, I say, the joke’s on those who laugh and make fun of others for any reason, including body-size. Do you have a hard time looking at your body in the mirror? If so, you’re absolutely not alone! Find out what imperfectly shaped, 21-year old, Lesley Miller has done to thrive and feel great. (If you think I insult when I write imperfectly shaped, make sure to check out our Healing Thought below.)
This was accomplished despite having to live with the prejudicial feelings and painful words from so many, including those who claimed to be in her corner. Sadly, the shape of the body distracts many of us from the beauty of the inner soul. Well, thankfully, Lesley persevered and triumphed and she now gets to have the last laugh. Read what she has to say below. Love heals.
I've spent the past 18 years of my life waiting.
I kept my body covered up and hidden away. I told myself that one day I would finally let myself be seen; I would finally do all of the things I dreamed of when I was enough. Thin enough, happy enough, confident enough. When my body looked the way that it was "supposed" to.
I fought my body every step of the way, continually ashamed and silent.
XY's Shorter Lifespan: Why and What You Can Do
Hi guys. You may be big, muscular, strong, and fast, yet stats continue to show that women live an average of 5-to-10 years longer than you! This is NOT okay. Sean Hagberg, chief science officer of Rio Grande Neurosciences in Santa Fe, NM, and clinical assistant professor of neurosurgery at the University of New Mexico states, “Women outliving men is persistent across all cultures.” Hmmm.
There are multiple reasons documented for this longevity difference between men and women. So, gentlemen, please drop whatever you’re doing and read on to understand why this shorter lifespan trend exists for men and what you can do about it. (Women: You may have fathers, male life partners, sons, siblings, cousins, nephews, friends, colleagues, and other men in your lives who hold a special place in your hearts. Please be part of their health and longer life solution!)
Let’s cut right to the chase and look at a variety of reasons why men are currently outlived by women.
Once Upon a Time – The Weight Loss Myth – Part 2 of 2
It’s time to end the myth that if we don’t achieve or maintain our weight loss that we’re to blame. We are not weaklings nor is our willpower lacking. In truth, it’s the weight loss formula – eat less, exercise more – (promoted by the diet and fitness industries) that has failed, not us. Moreover, the gigantic food industry plays a huge role in our weight challenges by creating foods intentionally designed to hijack our taste buds and influence our brains. (“Lay’s Potato Chips – Bet You Can’t Eat Just One!”)
Let’s look at the real deal of what has been going on and why it’s so easy to gain weight and so difficult to lose. The following tips and suggestions are intended to simplify, rather than complicate, healthy eating and living. I’m going to emphasize slowing down, getting back down to earth and out of the rat race and maze of the diet, fitness, and food processing industries. I’m cheerleading for eating and living a bit more as our great-grandparents once did not all that long ago.
Warm Weather is Here: Time for Nature, Walks & Company
Oh, warm weather, how I love you! It’s a time for renewal and shedding of outer, heavy clothing. It’s the season to enjoy the longer days and feel the healing warmth of the sun on our bodies. Take in deep breathes of fresh air while luxuriating in the wonders of floral aromas, colors of blossoming flowers and trees, baby birds tweeting, and quiet relax.
Go ahead, be skeptical. You have a right. I realize the above may sound like a very nice, albeit rather impractical fantasy, especially if you live in a city, are feeling stressed and believe you can’t possibly make time to walk in nature– not even over the weekend. Well, I live in New York City in the borough of Manhattan and I say, “It can be done. We can be in the outdoors, be one with nature and reap its many benefits.”
Stop The Attack On Women And Fat
Attention all women: Do you feel pressured to be thin? Do you fear that no matter what you do to be a good person, smart, a leader, or sexy that you just won’t be taken seriously unless you’re a size 2? Or, perhaps even worse, that you won’t be considered attractive, healthy or loveable by the masses? Are you feeling hurt, frustrated, and angry at not being accepted as you are? For who you are inside? If so, you’re not alone.
Reader's Digest-Ion, Part 2 Of 2
Holiday season has passed and most of us are likely back to our standard eating patterns. So, how are you feeling with regard to your digestion day-in and day-out? For many, including myself, belly size can fluctuate on a fairly steady basis. At times our gut is flat or bloated and other times hard or soft. Or, we might have a comfortable feeling inside our bellies compared to other times when there is a sense of discomfort or pain.
Reader's Digest-Ion
We’re smack dab in the middle of holiday season! One of the things most of us can expect no matter which holiday we’re celebrating or not, is that food will abound in many directions in enormous quantities. Besides the obvious discussion regarding increased calories and weight gain that go hand-in-hand with overeating, I wanted to look at things from a slightly different the angle, and that is the angle of our digestion.
Taking Ourselves Out of a Binge
Eating fast and mindlessly is never a good idea but happens all too frequently. Since most of us live in a high-speed society with plenty of distractions, it’s no wonder we live, work and eat fast. They all go hand-in-hand actually. Due to the almost normalized feeling of chronic, low-level stress, (which is far more depleting on our inner battery than occasional high-strung, short-term stress), cortisol and insulin are constantly being released into our bodies. This of course adds to our body’s stress level which makes digestion, sleep, weight, mood and immunity all that much more challenging.
What Should I Eat For Breakfast?
It’s not at all uncommon during a Q & A section following a seminar that I’m asked about breakfast. “I usually eat cereal.” “I have tea and toast with some jam.” “I always eat a muffin on the go with coffee. It’s quick and easy. Besides, what else is there to eat? Eggs take too long to make especially when I’m running out the door to work.”
Nourishment for the Soul, Heart, & Body – Part 2 of 2
There’s so much to talk about when it comes to weight! In Part 1 of this article, I went over several reasons why we can have a very challenging time with weight – gaining, losing, and maintaining. Let’s continue our overview of this extremely important issue of weight. Why? Because we can be so hurt on the inside, on a soul level, when we don’t weigh what we think we’re supposed to weigh. Truth is we have no idea what any of us is supposed to weigh exactly.
Nourishment for the Soul, Heart, & Body – Part I of 2
Let’s start at the beginning, middle, and end: In order for our body to be the weight it's truly meant to be, we need to be the person that we're truly meant to be. The idea that we can actually lose weight long-term purely by cutting back on what we eat and/or exercising like crazy, simply isn’t true. Not for the long haul at least. And when weight loss occurs under these circumstances, it’s not without stress and being at war with ourselves.
Once Upon a Time – The Weight Loss Myth – Part 2 of 2
It’s time to end the myth that if we don’t achieve or maintain our weight loss that we’re to blame. We are not weaklings nor is our willpower lacking. In truth, it’s the weight loss formula – eat less, exercise more – (promoted by the diet and fitness industries) that has failed, not us. Moreover, the gigantic food industry plays a huge role in our weight challenges by creating foods intentionally designed to hijack our taste buds and influence our brains. (“Lay’s Potato Chips – Bet You Can’t Eat Just One!”) Let’s look at the real deal of what has been going on and why it’s so easy to gain weight and so difficult to lose.
Once Upon a Time – The Weight Loss Myth Part 1 of 2
“What should I eat? I want to lose weight! I can’t keep the weight off! I’ve tried so many times before!” Does this sound familiar? And, are you feeling exasperated? I know I have.
It’s been decades where, “Eat less and exercise more” has been the go to motto to achieving weight loss success. We diligently engage in calorie deficient diets and/or over-exercise. We dedicate ourselves to the latest fad diet and fitness programs that offer so many promises of weight loss, renewed youth, health and happiness. We literally “buy in” and spend large amounts of our time, money and energy to feel and look better.
Warm Weather is Here: Time for Nature, Walks & Company
Oh, warm weather, how I love you! It’s a time for renewal and shedding of outer, heavy clothing. It’s the season to enjoy the longer days and feel the healing warmth of the sun on our bodies. Take in deep breathes of fresh air while luxuriating in the wonders of floral aromas, colors of blossoming flowers and trees, baby birds tweeting, and quiet relax. Go ahead, be skeptical. You have a right. I realize the above may sound like a very nice, albeit rather impractical fantasy, especially if you live in a city, are feeling stressed and believe you can’t possibly make time to walk in nature– not even over the weekend. Well, I live in New York City in the borough of Manhattan and I say, “It can be done. We can be in the outdoors, be one with nature and reap its many benefits.”